

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Introducing God

“John himself was not the light; he was simply a witness to tell about the light.” (John1:8 NLT)

I was recently at a conference where the keynote speaker was introduced by a local businessman. The introductory speech was much longer than necessary. The businessman seemed determined to use this opportunity to promote himself and his ideas. The audience grew restless. We all wondered when he would step back from the podium and make space for the main speaker.

John the Baptist introduced Jesus and then, stepped back.

Many of us fail to step back from the podium after we have introduced Jesus into a situation or to a person. Then we wonder why God has not answered our questions, resolved our problems, or given us divine insights about certain issues. Our refusal to shut up and take a seat prevents things from moving forward.

Lord, You are the light, and we are here to show the way to the light. You are far greater than we are, for You existed long before us. Help us to step back and make space for You to speak.

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