

Friday, September 15, 2017

Sticky Windows

“We're being shown how to turn our backs on a godless, indulgent life, and how to take on a God-filled, God-honoring life. This new life is starting right now.” (Titus 2:12 MSG)

There are a few windows in our house that are ‘sticky’--once opened, they are difficult to close. We know which ones they are, so we tend not to open them. Sometimes, our house guests unknowingly open these windows. Other times, we forget which ones were problematic and unwittingly do this ourselves. Recently, one of our windows was opened too wide, and it came out of its track. When we tried to fix it, the latch broke off as well. We could close it partially, but there was an inch of space at the bottom where we were exposed to the external elements.  As long as the weather was favorable, it wouldn’t be a huge issue. The crack wasn’t big enough for a thief to break in, and there was a screen on the window, so bugs couldn’t come in either. However, once it got cold, that gap would become a major issue. My husband took his next day off to work on this sticky window. It took him some concentrated effort, but he finally managed to get that window sealed again. I put some duct tape on it to remind ourselves to keep that window shut in the future.

Like windows, certain habits can be opened and closed at will, while others are difficult to control. Addictions, obsessions, and dependencies vary from person to person. Some people can drink alcohol occasionally, while, for others, even one drink can expose them to harm. Any craving can become a sticky window--gambling, gluttony, lust, greed, materialism, distraction, pride, the desire to control others, approval seeking, bitterness, entitlement, anger...

We are called to restrain ourselves from unwholesome, indulgent practices, and pursue a God-honoring life. Once we recognize our personal weaknesses, we can ask God’s help to shut these cracks and keep them sealed. It can be helpful to place reminders around ourselves, so that we don’t unwittingly expose ourselves to similar breaches in the future. There is no room for wickedness in those who belong to God.

“Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” (Matthew 6:13 ESV)

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