

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Ark of the Quarantine

“The waters continued to recede until the tenth month, and on the first day of the tenth month the tops of the mountains became visible.” (Genesis 8:5 NIV)
The current global quarantine reminds me of the biblical story of Noah and the ark. Before the waters covered the earth, there were signs of impending danger. Most of the world did not heed the warnings and went about business as usual. Noah and his family followed God’s advice and self-isolated while the rest of the earth was wiped out. The damage was unprecedented. The flood lasted a long time. Even after the rains stopped, the earth remained submerged. I imagine that after a few months of quarantine, the occupants of the ark were itching to get back out into the world. Noah sent out tester birds to see if it was safe. It wasn’t. It took ten months before the tops of mountain peaks became visible. What if Noah had decided that he was sick of being cooped up after a while and had chosen to open up the hatch and herd everyone out?
This pandemic is like an invisible flood covering the earth. The self-isolation, scarcity, uncertainty, and frustration are getting to all of us. We keep checking for peaks--signs that things are improving. Unfortunately, the virus does not respond to our timetable. The temptation to go back out into the world, to resume life as usual, is overwhelming. 
Someday, when the danger recedes, the world will have to start over. That time will also have its challenges. Those who live through this time will have changed perspectives. The impact may last generations. Certain commodities will be more precious than others. Patience, hope, cooperation, compassion, and faith will be invaluable.