

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Focused Breathing

“When you give them your breath (Spirit), life is created, and you renew the face of the earth.” (Psalm 104:30 NLT)

All living things breathe or process oxygen in some way. Most land animals use their lungs. Fish use their gills to breathe underwater by absorbing oxygen that is dissolved in water. Plants take in oxygen through stomata-- little holes in their leaves. Breathing is the essence of life. 

God infuses His Spirit into us with each breath. We are inspired by the Spirit of God with each inhalation. Without breathing, there is no life. Without the Spirit, we cannot grow, thrive, or survive. We breathe involuntarily, unthinkingly, all day long. Until there is a problem, we take the air around us and our ability to breathe for granted.  Then, we pay attention; all we can think about is getting more air. Similarly, we rarely think about the Spirit until we are in trouble; then we desperately seek Him. 

Today, take a few minutes to focus on your breath. Focused breathing can lead us to pay attention to the Spirit, thus making each breath a prayer. With discipline and practice, we can learn to pray without ceasing as long as we live. With each inhalation, recognize the Spirit of God around you and within you. Absorb the Divine presence through every pore. Commune with the Lord. Share your heart’s desires. Listen to His soothing whispers. Breathe in the Spirit deeply. 

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