

Monday, September 21, 2020

Waiting on Counsel

 “They wouldn’t wait for his counsel.” (Psalm 106:13 NLT)

I am not an impulsive person. If I am considering buying something new, I read multiple reviews on the product. If a friend asks me for advice, I research the subject online, even if I know enough to give an educated response. If someone asks me to invest time or energy on a project, I wait several days before committing. I consult my spouse and my friends to get their perspective before making up my mind. I am sure that this practice may seem indecisive and unspontaneous, but this is part of how I process things. 

I also pray and consult God about most ‘big’ situations, especially if they are beyond what I can figure out on my own power. I would do this more often if it weren’t for the unpredictability of the response time.  Waiting on God’s timing can be inconvenient. Thus, if I don’t get clear directions within what I consider a reasonable time, I go ahead and make a decision based on my own instincts. I have not learned to wait on God’s counsel no matter how long it takes. 

Why wait? Why not use common sense? 

Common sense is easily accessible, but Divine wisdom is out of the way. Waiting on God teaches us to depend on Him instead of on our own wits.  It develops patience. As we grow in faith, we learn to settle in for however long it takes. We seek the clarity and wisdom of the Spirit, not the opinions of the world. Our ultimate goal is to fulfill God’s purpose. There is nothing more pleasing to Him than submission and obedience. We glorify the Lord when we trust Him. 

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