

Monday, September 14, 2020

Fully Present

 "Cease striving...” (Psalm 46:10 NASB)

I know it does me good to exercise, learn new things, and spend some time outdoors. However, in my desire to be efficient, I have been known to run outdoors while listening to a podcast. I create distractions. I give partial attention to my moving body, the nature around me, and the information being presented through my headphones. Instead of taking the time to be fully present during each of these activities, I try to do too many things at once. This diminishes the benefit that I gain from each of these healthy practices.

Society encourages us to maximize productivity. Multitasking and busyness make us feel accomplished. And this feeling of competence and usefulness becomes the idol we pursue. We chase after shiny awards to prop up our sense of self-worth.

 When we strive to do many things at once, we dilute the essential wisdom and goodness that each experience has to offer. Concentrating our full attention on each task brings understanding and appreciation. True engagement requires disengagement. Focus leads to clarity.  

Cease striving. Hush your mind. Turn down the noise. Acknowledge that you cannot be omnipotent, omniscient, or omnipresent. You are not in charge. Submit your thoughts, dreams, plans, and goals to the One who is Sovereign. Be still. Recognize God is near. Everything is holy. Linger in attentive anticipation. Be fully present to each miraculous moment. 

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