

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Cultural Goodness

“Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good.” (Romans 12:9 NLT)

A few months ago, there was a devastating storm in our region. It knocked down electricity, cell phone towers, and trees. Homes and businesses were damaged. In the midst of communal suffering, there was also goodness. People shared whatever they had to help each other. They volunteered to clear trees, donate money, cook food, lend tools, etc. Each act of generosity and kindness inspired others to do the same.

Cultural goodness can be just as contagious as collective evil. Kindness begets kindness. Those who receive grace are more likely to extend grace. Every act of goodness can have exponential impact. By standing up for love and rejecting hate in all its forms, we can spread compassion and justice throughout our communities. However, tribalism and indifference are the biggest obstacles in our way. As followers of Christ, we are taught to be charitable to all, to identify with the suffering of others, and to see everyone as deserving of love. 

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