

Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Loitering Soul

“Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.” (Habakkuk 2:3 NIV)

Loitering is defined as the act of remaining in a public space for a length of time without any apparent purpose. You may have noticed businesses with signs that warn against loitering on their property. This is to discourage panhandlers or others who may make other customers feel uncomfortable or unsafe. Why is this a crime? 

Society encourages us to advance in a linear trajectory. Young people are encouraged to have their lives planned out and move through the prescribed stages without loitering. If their progress is slow, then they are seen as lazy, aimless, and doomed to a purposeless existence. 

“To know exactly where you're headed may be the best way to go astray. Not all who loiter are lost.”  (Sue Monk Kidd, When the Heart Waits)

Even those of us who feel certain that we know what we want from life have regressive phases. All humans go through periods of unraveling--when the scaffolding that holds up our beliefs about ourselves and the world comes crumbling down. Since loitering without a plan makes others uneasy, we quickly slap together a course of action to avoid disapproval. 

Perhaps it would be healthier to take some time to linger. God’s timeline might not be perfectly aligned with ours. Even when we are stuck, things are being worked out. Internal growth, although invisible, is even more significant than external achievements. We may not know exactly where we  are headed, but we are not lost. It takes contemplation and persistence to understand God’s vision for our lives. In order to absorb the essence of our purpose, we must take the time to percolate in His presence. Linger. Wait expectantly. God will certainly show up. 


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