

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Shadow Puppets

“The light of life will overtake those who dwelt in the shadowy darkness.” (Matthew 4:16 VOICE)

Shadow puppetry is a popular form of entertainment all over the world. All you need is a light source and a screen. Any object that blocks the light will create a shadow. An experienced puppeteer can create illusions of all types. Moving figures can be made to walk, dance, sing, or speak. Strategic posturing can be used to make things look bigger or smaller.  Both the puppeteer and the audience can get caught up in these imaginative stories.  

Playing with illusions can be mesmerizing, and the shadow life can be confused as reality. Those who are absorbed in posturing to impress or mislead others often get caught up in their own delusions. They lose their ability to separate between what is performance and what is real. The lines between the reality show lifestyle of vying for attention and expressing their authentic self become blurry. 

Shadow figures are created when we block the source of light. Living in the light can be uncomfortable, because we are not in control. Our shadow images are more easily managed. We can choose to make ourselves bigger or smaller, to hide parts we are not willing to reveal--in order to impress and please others. Thus, we get absorbed in this shadow life of our ego, full of posturing and performance. We convince ourselves that our subjective reality is all there is. We use up our life in the pursuit of pleasure, power, and belonging. No matter that our sense of belonging is with other shadow figures and their false narratives. 

The light of life can overtake those who dwell in shadowy darkness. This involves surrender and conscious change. We must choose to walk in the light and face uncomfortable truths instead of blocking it. We have to let go and turn away from the shadow selves in order to embody our true selves.  The light shows us what is real and what is false. It allows us to progress in understanding. It guides us along paths of purpose. 

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