

Monday, December 23, 2013

Red Convertibles

A higher education can lead to a job, which, in turn, may provide enough money to pay expenses. This is a necessary part of life. Yet, many of us mistake the means for the end. We imagine that education, title, career, and material wealth will bring fulfillment. By mid-life, most of us have accomplished what we set out to do and discover that we are still unsatisfied.

“Second journeys commence when the power of youth is gone. When the dreams of earlier years start to seem shallow and pointless, when anxiety and self-doubt rise to the surface, and when the possibility of failure presents itself—when the predictable jobs have been completed, when you find yourself saying: ‘Now what?’” (Fr. Gerald O’Collins. Second Journey)

I am at that ‘Now What’ fork in the road. I am not looking for another distraction—yet another red convertible to drive on scenic routes that lead me further away from true fulfillment.

Most of us resist the stereotypical clichés of mid-life—the red convertible, the toupee, the plastic surgery, the affair, etc. Yet, we keep seeking that elusive fulfillment in other, more subtle distractions. We join a cause and make a name for ourselves. We embark on new career paths. We build or buy a bigger house and fill it with articles that reflect our sophistication. We take exotic trips, hike up mountains, jump off airplanes, and learn to scuba-dive—hoping that all these experiences will bring fulfillment.

Basically, it’s like buying a blue convertible and pretending that we are not as predictable as the guy in the red convertible.

Now What? How do we find this fulfillment for which we yearn?

I don’t know…but I suspect that there might be a clue in the following excerpt:

“But now you have arrived at your destination…By faith in Christ you are in direct relationship with God…the fulfillment of God’s original promise (bond). (Gal. 3:24-27 MSG)

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