

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Focus on Christ

“So, my dear Christian friends, companions in following this call to the heights, take a good hard look at Jesus. He’s the centerpiece of everything we believe, faithful in everything God gave him to do.” (Hebrews 3:1 MSG)

One of the techniques that photographers use when taking portraits is called ‘bokeh’--a Japanese term for when the primary subject is in sharp focus, while the background is blurry. In order to achieve this effect, photographers use large apertures that allow lots of light. This creates a narrow depth of field. The photographer gets really close to the subject and maintains a certain distance from everything else in the background.

I think the same technique can be used to focus on Christ. Open up your heart and mind so light can shine through abundantly. Create a narrow depth of field--where you have very few other distractions. Get close to Christ. Keep everything else at a distance. Keep your attention focused on Christ while allowing everything in the background to become blurry.

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