

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Rest of the Story

(continued from yesterday)

“So Elijah did as the LORD told him and camped beside Kerith Brook, east of the Jordan. The ravens brought him bread and meat each morning and evening, and he drank from the brook.” (1 Kings 17:5 NLT)

Yesterday, I wrote about my friend Elnora’s faith. In one of her emails to me, she mentioned something about God sending ravens in her time of need. I was intrigued, so I asked her to tell me more, and here is the rest of the story:

About a year ago, Elnora and her sisters felt prompted to move to yet another new city, where they knew no one. They obediently packed up their stuff and moved into a hotel in the new city. They lived in the hotel for six weeks before they bought a house together. During this time, they could not find any work, and their funds were running low. One day, they went to a grocery store which was having a grand opening celebration. The store was giving away lots of food and other items. This met their needs for a whole week. Other times, someone would invite them to a celebration of some sort, and this would provide them with unexpected meals. People in their community provided them with some furniture and tires for their car. Thus far, they have always had the money to pay their monthly utilities. Their needs have been met, but barely. They have asked God why they are in this meager position when God’s supply was unlimited. The answer they got was: ‘He creates a deficit in the life of the man (woman) of God, so that the needs of the people can be met’.  Elnora explained that if they had more, they might not be in that exact community, in the exact  same church, connecting with those to whom they are ministering.  So they continue to soldier on in faith and obedience--trusting and depending on God’s daily manifestation.

Have you ever been fed by ravens--unlikely, unexpected emissaries of God? Have you ever been called to be a raven?

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