

Monday, July 17, 2017

Followship vs. Fellowship

“They follow him because they know his voice. They won’t follow a stranger;” (John 10:4-5 NLT)

Churches, temples, and mosques are great for fellowship. These places allow like-minded people to gather, socialize, and mutually support each other. Any group of people with similar interests can provide the same benefits. For example, I am part of a running group that meets several times a week. They hold me accountable and keep me motivated. J.R.R. Tolkien, in The Fellowship of the Ring, described how a band of companions can work towards advancing a common cause. Social alliances can be persuasive and profitable in many situations.

Many Christian churches are set up to promote fellowship among their members. However, Christ taught us to follow the Shepherd, not the other sheep. He asked us to imitate Him. He urged us to rely on Him for providence, protection, encouragement, and strength--not on each other. Follow-ship, the willingness to take direction from the One who leads, is much more valuable than mere fellowship.

Lord, may I rely on You, instead of on those around me. Help me to remember that I can no more meet their needs than they can mine. Grant that I may recognize Your voice over the cacophony of society.

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