

Friday, July 21, 2017

Good Relationships

“Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’” (1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV)

Do you have good relationships with your family and friends? Can you be real with each other? Do you bring out the best in each other?

Sincere relationships are characterized by several key elements: authenticity, acceptance, appreciation, accountability, transparency, kindness, respect, honesty, encouragement, availability, and consistency. In contrast, relationships where there is a steady stream of competitiveness, criticism, condescension, dishonesty, flattery, disrespect, and fickleness, are counterfeit and thus meaningless.  

Relationships are a lot like investments--some merely drain you, while others bring growth. Sometimes one person profits, while the other loses everything. If someone seems to bring out the worst characteristics in you, that should be a red flag. You might feel good around certain people that are fun to hang out with, at least initially--but that doesn’t mean they are good for you.  Genuine relationships promote growth, awareness, and virtue, while bad company corrupts good character. Invest your time and energy in meaningful relationships. Lead each other to fullness of purpose, righteousness, and authentic satisfaction.

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