

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Good Decisions

“Teach me how to make good decisions, and give me revelation-light.” (Psalm 119:66 TPT)

Good decision making is a learned skill. It requires training. Those who fail to learn from mistakes are doomed to repeat them indefinitely. Children and adolescents lack experience and maturity. Thus, a certain amount of poor decisions are inevitable when you are young. However, as you get older, you develop forethought and discipline. You learn to ask yourself the right questions: Why do I want this? Can it wait? Will I think this is a good idea a year from now? Is the cost in time, energy, and resources worth the benefit? How will this affect others?

A spontaneous person is considered fun, while a person who deliberates before every action is labeled a bore. Good decision making is difficult, because it isn’t always popular or pleasurable. Even as adults, many of us do not recognize the possible ramifications of our choices. We follow our cravings and hope for the best. We justify pursuing our desires by conflating wants and needs. Just as maturity does not come naturally with age, good decision making skills do not automatically appear with experience. It requires divine wisdom and practice. Before every decision, major or minor, ask for divine revelation. Pray for guidance and strength. With the Lord as our coach, we can develop the fortitude to withstand push-back, the willingness to sacrifice, and the discipline to continually make good decisions. 

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