

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Resource of Time

“Teach us to number our days, so that we may truly live and achieve wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12 VOICE)

I’ve always been a fan of lists. I recently started numbering my daily list of activities. This gives me a feeling of accomplishment, even though most days are filled with a bunch of little tasks. I have discovered that counting helps me stay accountable, and that busyness is not always worthwhile. I measure my productivity in many ways.  Some tasks take a long time, while others take only a few minutes. Certain chores that I do routinely go unnoticed, unless I stopped doing them completely. Finally, there are little gems, significant events that may seem inconsequential in the moment but make an impact in the long run. 

"Time is our most valuable nonrenewable resource, and if we want to treat it with respect, we need to set priorities." (Albert-László Barabási)

All of us have the same number of minutes each day. Once lost, time cannot be renewed. Acknowledging the value of time gives it weight. We learn to measure, count, and prioritize how we use this limited resource. We grasp that time has an economy of its own. We spend time, save time, waste time, and conserve time. Not everything we invest time in is profitable.  Once we understand the importance of time, we are able to live measured lives--thoughtfully considered, carefully weighed, and intentionally purposeful.

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