

Friday, June 5, 2020

Within Your Reach

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” (Ecclesiastes 9:10 NIV)
Window cleaning is one of the chores that I rarely do. There are several legitimate reasons why I put it off. In my home, I can reach about 30% of the windows by myself. If I have a ladder and someone to help, I could clean more--but even then, I can’t reach 100% of all the window surfaces. Since I know I can’t complete the task to my full satisfaction, I resign myself to unclean windows. Today I did something different. I cleaned whatever I could reach. I even stood on a chair and cleaned parts that were a bit of a stretch.  My windows are not significantly cleaner than they were before, but I did what I could--which is better than nothing. 
Some days this world seems wrecked beyond repair. Sickness, suffering, poverty, violence, greed, hatred, destruction, loss, oppression...the problems feel overwhelming.  I would like to help, but much of it seems outside my reach. Thus, I procrastinate; I make excuses. I resign myself to the injustice and suffering. I wait for others to join me with ladders, but even then, there is only so much we can do. It feels pointless to clean up one little corner of the world when the rest will remain a mess. But, maybe it isn’t? Perhaps I could go ahead and start doing what I can on my own. Instead of focusing on what is outside my power to change, I can do what is within my reach. I can share what I have, encourage one person, cheer up someone who feels melancholy, talk to someone who is lonely, clarify what is confusing, or clear up one misunderstanding.  Whatever my mind and hands find to do, I can do it with all my might. What I do will not significantly improve the world, but it is still better than nothing. 

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