

Monday, August 24, 2020

Conservation of Resources

“The land shall not be sold in perpetuity, for the land is mine. For you are strangers and sojourners with me. And in all the country you possess, you shall allow a redemption of the land.” (Leviticus 25:23-24 ESV)

The garment and textile industry uses massive amounts of water in the production process. Approximately 500 gallons of water are used in the production of a single pair of jeans. According to the World Health Organization, a person needs 5 gallons of water per day for drinking and basic hygiene. One in nine people in this world lack access to safe, clean water. 

I enjoy learning new things. However, incorporating new information into my pre-existing beliefs and routine behaviors is another matter altogether. Thinking about each item of clothing and what it cost to be made seems unpleasant. If I were to take into account all the ways my choices impact the environment and how I inadvertently participate in the exploitation and suffering of animals and humans, it would make me miserable. Ignorance can be blissful, while knowledge is often unsettling. 

All of creation belongs to God. Conservation of resources is good stewardship. As sojourners on this earth, we are commissioned to care for the land, water, air, plants, and animals--not to exploit everything in sight for our own pleasure. Humanity has caused much damage, but now that we know better, we can do better. 

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