

Friday, August 7, 2020

Good Influencers

“For God called you to do good...” (1 Peter 2:21 NLT)

In modern day lingo, an influencer is someone who has the power to affect the decisions of others. Those who are perceived as having authority, knowledge, or position in a distinct niche, and also have a large social media following, are seen as more influential than average. Yet according to sociologists, even the most introverted person will influence 10,000 people over his or her lifetime. Like a flowing river, we shape the landscape, feed the ecosystem, and  impact everything around us. 

God called us to do good and to inspire others to do the same. The direction of our influence depends on how we conduct our lives. Our values, choices, words, attitude, and behavior have an impact. We can guide people toward truth, or we can promote fallacies. We can show the way to a purposeful life or to meaningless pursuits.  The degree of a person’s influence is contingent on discipline. Lack of consistency dilutes credibility. An orderly life is more persuasive than eloquent speech or a curated public persona. 

Lord, You are my example. I want to be influenced by You and be a conduit of Your goodness. I pray that those around me will be uplifted more than diminished, feel compassion instead of apathy, have clarity rather than confusion, and move closer toward Your light. 

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