

Friday, October 8, 2021

Popular Tracks

“The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don’t fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do.” (Matthew 7:13 MSG)

Medical doctors usually follow one of two popular tracks. Private practice is the path to wealth and independence. An academic career, on the other hand, usually pays less. However, it can lead to promotions, power, influence, and prestige. A physician who has the opportunity to pursue power, status, or money--but opts out of these common career tracks is seen as unambitious. 

The world is filled with wide, crowded paths to culturally defined success. Materialism, power, fame, influence, and status are all popular tracks that many aspire to travel. Those who opt out of these common avenues are often deemed directionless. 

Jesus would not have been considered successful by the people of his time. He chose to go off the beaten track. He hung out with the poor and neglected. He did not accumulate material wealth, power, or influence. He failed to optimize his opportunities. He refused to monetize his talents. Instead, He blazed a new path of love, humility, simplicity, faith, and compassion. The path of Christ is narrow. It is neither easy nor popular. However, it is the most meaningful way to live.

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