

Friday, October 15, 2021

Unfathomable Perspective

“Depths of purpose and layers of meaning saturate everything you do. Such amazing mysteries are found within every miracle that nearly everyone seems to miss. Those with no discernment can never really discover the deep and glorious secrets hidden in your ways.” (Psalm 92:5-6 TPT)

There are very few humans who have seen the universe from the moon’s surface. The rest of us can only imagine what they saw from that vantage point. Less than one percent of individuals are billionaires. The rest of us cannot even envision that level of wealth. Similarly, less than one percent of the world’s population finishes a marathon in their lifetime. Those who repeatedly train to run this distance, year after year, are uncommon. They have a completely different mindset that is unfathomable to the rest of the world. 

Uncommoners have completely different perspectives than commoners. Their priorities, values, attitudes, and behaviors seem baffling to the majority. How they define joy, worthiness, goodness, beauty, and quality of life will be incomprehensible to the masses. What seems natural and rational to the 99% will be unnatural and irrational to the 1% and vice versa. 

Similarly, God’s ways are incomprehensible to most of us. Depths of purpose and layers of meaning saturate everything. Such amazing mysteries are found within every miracle that nearly everyone seems to miss. Those with no discernment can never really discover the deep and glorious secrets hidden in His ways. Thus, a sacred mindset is set apart from the common lifestyle. Those who are committed to higher pursuits will have perspectives and priorities that are unfathomable to most of the world. 

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