

Friday, March 11, 2022

How Goes the Battle

 “It happened that whenever Moses raised his hand, the battle went well for Israel; but whenever he lowered his hand to rest, Amalek began to win. When Moses became too tired to hold his hands up any longer, Aaron and Hur took a stone and sat him down on it. Then both men stood beside Moses, one on each side, holding his hands up and keeping them steady until sunset.” (1 Samuel 17:11-12 VOICE)


A friend of mine texted me the following phrase: “How goes the battle?”

I had never heard this question before. Supposedly, it is a common way of asking how your day is going. I was struck by the idea that every day is part of a battle whether we acknowledge it or not. 


How do we fight our daily battles? 

When the Israelites were under attack, the battle was fought on two fronts. Joshua and the soldiers fought with swords on the ground, while Moses and two supportive friends prayed on the hill overlooking the battlefield. As long as Moses continued to lift his hands in prayer, the battle went well for Israel. However, when he gave in to fatigue the enemy gained ground. Fortunately, Moses had supportive prayer warriors by his side to encourage and uplift his efforts. 


Lord Jesus, help me to remember that every day is a battle and the battle belongs to You. Teach me to rely on You. Help me to pray persistently and surround me with supportive prayer warriors. 

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