

Friday, April 1, 2022

Stairway to Purpose

“The Lord God gives me the right words to encourage the weary. Each morning he awakens me eager to learn his teaching.” (Isaiah 50:4 CEV) 

At some point in life, all of us experience feelings of boredom, apathy, sadness, loneliness, and meaninglessness. It’s as if we are stuck in a stagnant swamp. How do we get out of this banal existence? 

The easiest step is distraction. It is barely a ledge surrounding the swamp, and most of us slip in and out on a regular basis. My personal distractions include consumption of media and snacks. I use these forms of escape to lift my mood, but the effects barely last as long as the indulgence. 

Healthy hobbies are a few steps above distractions. These are regular habits that improve your physical or mental health. They can also benefit others around you. For me, these include running, reading, growing vegetables, and cooking healthy meals. The positive effects of these healthy hobbies last much longer than distractions.

There is yet another level...

A higher purpose can elevate you to summits far above the swamps of meaningless existence. Some vocations have clear worthiness. Only a few of these pay well. Even for those of us who are unpaid, a higher calling comes with intangible rewards. 

I have spent most of my adult life doing housework. From a worldly standpoint, what I do is unpaid and menial. Yet, I have been blessed with the ability to recognize purpose even in these daily tasks. I have some flexibility in my schedule. This gives me opportunities to serve--to listen, pray, care, and uplift others. The Lord gives me the right words to encourage the weary. He shapes my thoughts, speech, and writing. He doesn’t even wait until the morning; He wakes me up in the middle of the night with concepts that need to be pondered and sorted. I do not always appreciate my insomnia. Yet, I am able to recognize that there is a higher calling behind even that which seems insignificant. And this is a true gift--the ability to appropriate meaning and purpose in life. I am grateful. 

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