

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Background Noise

In our home, while we eat our meals, my husband and son like to have either the radio or TV on. They call it background music, but I find it distracting. It prevents us from focusing on each other. It interferes with our communion.

Similarly, our daily life is filled with background noise that hinders our communion with God. We get up in the morning. We eat, drink, urinate, defecate, bathe, work, cook, clean, pay bills, do paperwork, take care of ourselves and others, shop, consume, suffer, rejoice, cry, laugh, relax, sleep, and then get up the next morning and start the whole cycle again. The constant busyness of life consumes us, leaving very little for God.

How can we turn the volume down on these daily concerns so that we can focus on God?

To be honest, I don’t know…yet. Here are a few things I’ve tried:

Uni-tasking—this is my made up word for doing one thing at a time. It’s the opposite of multi-tasking. I’ve realized that doing each task mindfully helps me focus better.

Meditation—I take time to still my mind and contemplate on God. Through trial and error I’ve found what works and what doesn’t work for me.

The Bible—God speaks to me through scripture. I will read until I find something that tugs at me. Then I stop and ask the Holy Spirit to teach me.

Music—I used to listen to music as I did other things, while cooking, running, driving, or cleaning. This made the activity less tedious. Now, as I listen to music, I pay attention. I try not to do anything else. I’m expecting God to reach out to me.

Books—Great Christian writers have always been my spiritual mentors. Reading clarifies my thoughts, creates order within the chaos of my mind.

Solitude—I have to get away from people, technology, and productivity for a period so as to make time and space to be alone with God.

Writing—I jot down thoughts as they come. Sometimes these notes free me from focusing on my to-do lists. Sometimes as I write down random thoughts, I see how they are connected.

Prayer—I simply talk and listen to God.

My daily activities and concerns still occupy the majority of my time and energy. However, I am able to turn the noise level down just for a little while these days. I cherish these quiet moments of peace with my Lord.

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