

Friday, February 8, 2013

My Favorite Uncle

Both my parents come from huge families. I have a total of 26 uncles and aunts. Yet, there is one that has influenced me more than all the others. He started with very little. When he was 18, he left his village to live in a big city, far away from home. He learned to type and got a clerical job. Along the way, he got married and raised 2 kids. Even at 60, he is still one of the most energetic and inspiring people I know.

The character traits that I admire the most in him are his faith and discipline. He is unapologetic about his faith. He will break for family prayers even if there is a crowd of people at his house. And we aren’t talking about a 30-second, pre-meal grace. Evening prayer at his house usually goes on for 10-15 minutes, and it always concludes with singing together! 

I, on the other hand, feel very uncomfortable with PDF (public displays of faith). Although my faith is very important to me, I’m a bit embarrassed to admit it. I’m a closet Christian. I have a penchant for crosses. My mp3 is filled with Christian songs. I usually have several Bibles open on my desk and chair. I love using my rosary as a meditation tool. (I don’t actually say the prescribed rosary prayers. I just like to pass the beads through my fingers while repeating a scripture verse or the name of Jesus). Yet, only a few close people know this side of me. When we have guests, I clean up. I put away anything that might peg me as a holy roller. I put away the Bibles, the rosaries, and pretend the crosses are just part of my décor. We say a quick 10-second grace before meals at home. I sneak prayers at restaurants before meals while smiling at the waitress. Even this blog is written under a pseudonym.

My uncle is also known for his self-discipline. He eats healthily and exercises regularly. He sticks to a budget and lives well within his means. He thinks and plans carefully before making any decision. He makes responsible choices. He takes care of his family. He doesn’t have a college degree, but he loves learning. It’s amazing to see how far he has come with the limited opportunities and resources he had as a child. I try to emulate his discipline. Whenever I feel like slacking, I think of him…working out on his elliptical while watching the news after a full day’s work at the local factory. Or when I feel like indulging in decadent foods, I remember his lectures on the importance of fiber.

In his letter to the Colossians, Paul made the connection between faith and discipline.
“I am delighted to hear of the careful and orderly ways you conduct your affairs, and impressed with the solid substance of your faith in Christ.” (Colossians 2:5 MSG)

I know plenty of people who have one of these traits but not the other. My uncle has both. I think that discipline has given structure to his faith, thus making it stronger. I hope to learn by his example of steadfastness, perseverance, and uncompromising faith. 

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