

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Closed Doors

“Then the LORD closed the door behind them.” (Genesis 7:16 NLT)

Recently, I’ve had to experience several closed doors in my life. Some options and opportunities are no longer open to me. I don’t have access to certain areas. I can’t influence some people or change certain circumstances. Certain paths have been blocked off. I don’t like closed doors. I feel the urge to keep knocking, keep pushing. Yet, I know there is value to these closed doors.

The Lord sometimes closes doors to bring us clarity. When certain options are blocked off, it helps us to narrow down our choices. If a certain job opportunity is no longer available, we know we need to move on to something else. If we are rejected repeatedly for a promotion, or keep failing to enter a particular educational program, maybe we are meant to do something else. Throughout our lives, doors will open and close between our relatives, friends, and co-workers. As we age, physical and mental limitations prevent us from pursuing options that were open to us when we were younger. When we have small children or any dependents, our choices are severely restricted. As life’s seasons and circumstances change, doors close and others open. Acceptance of these limited options brings clarity.

How can we make sure that it is the LORD that is closing the door? What if we shut ourselves in because of fear or pride? What if we are just reluctant to knock at doors that are meant to be opened?

Lord, I don’t know which doors are closed by you and which ones are not. Yet I know if I stay tuned in to You at all times, trusting You completely, then You will lead me.


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