

Friday, July 11, 2014

Bothersome Flies

There is a stupid fly that has been buzzing around all morning while I’m trying to write. I’ve tried to whack it several times, but it moves too quickly. Why does this fly bother me? Why can’t I just ignore it? It doesn’t bite like a mosquito. It probably spreads disease, but whatever germs it has on its feet are probably already on every surface of this room. So, really, there is no point in me getting flustered by this little fly. Yet, I am. I’ve been watching it, following its every move, waiting for it to rest on any surface. Once, it sat so close to me that I could see it rubbing its hands together sinisterly—probably plotting how to distract me for another few hours. Stupid fly! Stupid me

I get bothered by things like this all the time. If I could just recognize that all these things that I am distressed about are just temporal and not eternal—that what is troubling in human terms is not troublesome to God.

“Darkness isn’t dark to you.” (Ps. 139:12 MSG)

What we humans consider dark, hopeless, scary, and insurmountable—for YOU, LORD—it is not so. Nothing fazes You. And since we have your reassuring presence, nothing should faze us either. Help us to see clearly beyond human worldly drama to divine spiritual reality. 

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