

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Independent Dreams

“Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.” (Oscar Wilde)

I wish to live a simple, minimalist, quiet, peaceful life. I would like to spend my days tending to my family, friends, and home. This way of life is not selfish, unless it involves asking someone else to compromise how they wish to live.  

As long as our dreams don’t involve other people, we can unselfishly pursue them. Yet, our idealized visions are often enmeshed with the dreams of others…and untangling these codependent dreams is arduous.

When I am crocheting, I spend almost as much time disentangling yarn as I do on my creation. When I’m working on multiple projects, I try to keep each skein of yarn separate, or else it becomes a huge mess. It’s hard enough to unsnarl the knots that seem to form in every skein, but multiple unraveled rolls in the same bag are just a recipe for disaster. 

Similarly, I try to keep my dreams independent. If the fulfillment of my vision involves others having to sacrifice their vision, or vice versa, then it’s sure to become a big mess. Each of us has our own projects to weave, so it’s best to keep our skeins independent.

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