

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Good Bitch

My favorite scene from the movie The Wizard of Oz is when Glinda the Good Witch tells the Wicked Witch: “Oh rubbish. You have no power here…Begone!”

This scene raises a lot of questions for me:
1.     How can I recognize ‘rubbish’ when I hear it?
2.     Why do I give others power over me?
3.     Do I really have the power to dismissively shoo off Wicked Witches?
4.     Does it take a Good Witch (or Bitch) to handle a Wicked Witch (or Bitch)?

“A Bitch occupies a lot of psychological space. You always know she is around. A Bitch takes shit from no one. You may not like her, but you cannot ignore her.” (from the ‘The Bitch Manifesto’ by Joreen) 

Until I saw The Wizard of Oz, I always thought of all witches as evil. If it takes a Good Witch to dismiss a Wicked Witch, then it must take a Good Bitch to confront a Wicked Bitch. My Inner Bitch stays dormant most of the time. I’m not really proud of her, but I keep her around for emergencies. Someone recently pointed out to me that it might be time to retire the Good Bitch costume; that it doesn’t suit me anymore. I’m not sure I agree.

I release my Inner Good Bitch when confronted by a Wicked Bitch. The Good Bitch recognizes ‘rubbish’ when she hears it. She doesn’t cower or allow evil to overpower her. Instead, she banishes evil with a wave of her hand, saying: You have no power here…Begone!

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