

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Antidepressant Verse

“Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.” (Philippians 4:13 MSG)

Whatever I have...
Take an inventory of your current circumstances. What do you have? What do you NOT have? Maybe you have a great many blessings. Maybe you also have some disappointments and fears. Perhaps, like me, you have a tendency to focus on negative thoughts. This is as dumb as intentionally watering the weeds in our gardens instead of the vegetables.

Wherever I am...
Each phase of life comes with its own set of trials. Childhood comes with dependence, young adulthood with confusion, middle age with deterioration, and old age with sickness. Changing locations--whether by switching careers, moving to different places, or starting new relationships--will not negate our feelings of powerlessness.

I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am...
We are not defined by our circumstances but by God who makes us who we are. This goes for our loved ones too. We can trust God to mold each of us and direct our lives as He sees fit. No matter what our situation, we can get through anything if we are aware of Christ’s presence and strength within us.

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