

Monday, September 21, 2015

Prayers from the Pit

A prayer of one whose life is falling to pieces, and who lets God know just how bad it is: God, listen! Listen to my prayer, listen to the pain in my cries.” (Psalm 102:1 MSG)

When we pray, we are communicating with God. It is okay to let our emotions show, even when we are feeling angry, sad, frustrated, desperate, or hopeless. Many of us feel ashamed to express these negative emotions with God. Ranting and having a tantrum seem so juvenile. We want to be faithful and respectful, so we bury our true feelings  and try to say reverential prayers. These words do not reflect our true feelings; thus, they are insincere. Our relationship with God becomes stilted.

When our life is falling to pieces--we cannot sincerely say prayers of thanksgiving and praise. We have to cry. We have to let God know how bad it is. We want to know that God is paying attention. This pain cannot be ignored. We need Him, NOW!

Lord, we cry out from the pit of despair. Please let us know that You are listening. We feel helpless, frustrated, ignored, and rejected. We don’t understand why everything is the way it is. Our strength is ebbing away. Our faith is fading. Please reveal yourself. Show us that you care. Let us know that we are not alone.

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