

Friday, August 5, 2016

Neighbors and Friends

“Help me with my doubts!” (Mark 9:24 MSG)

I have lived in the same neighborhood for several years now. Most of the people who live in our subdivision are cordial. We wave at each other when we walk our dogs. We make small talk while working in our yards. Much of our interaction is limited to the outdoors though; we rarely go into each other’s homes unless there is an emergency. They may be really great people, but since I don’t know them all that well, I keep a certain distance. However, a few of those who live close to me have become my intimate friends. We stop by just to chat; we share meals; we help each other out whenever there is a need. I’ve met their extended family members. We know when someone is sick or going through a crisis. We have prayed, cried, and rejoiced together. We are involved in each other’s lives. I know I can count on them. We may decide a person is not dependable once we get close to them. However, we can’t be sure if someone is trustworthy until we really get to know them.

Many of us have doubts about God, because we don’t know Him all that well. Our relationship with Him is cordial but not intimate. We may repeat superficial pleasantries or wave as we pass by. We might knock on His door if there is an emergency, but we do so hesitantly. We are not sure if He will be available or willing to help.

Trust requires intimacy and intimacy requires knowledge. We must draw close to God in order to know Him. As we grow in our understanding of God, we learn to trust Him. The more we trust, the more we become open to His love. Then, our lives become intertwined with His, and His love becomes the reason for our existence.

Lord, help us to know You and trust You.

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