

Friday, September 16, 2016


“She is clothed with strength and dignity.” (Proverbs 31:25 NLT)

When I meet new people--particularly men--I tend to let them know my boundaries quickly. I let others know what is important to me and what I will not tolerate. Much of this can be done by showing interest or disinterest in a conversation. For example, if a guy starts talking about his spouse or kids, I show interest by smiling and making eye contact. On the other hand, if some guy starts trying to impress me with what kind of luxury car he drives, I look around the room and plan my escape.

“Boundaries teach people how to treat you and they teach you how to respect yourself.” (Cheryl Strayed)

By setting healthy limits, we let others know what we consider acceptable. However, this requires us to have a clear understanding of our own priorities and principles. As we get to know ourselves and learn to evaluate others better, we are able to draw and maintain lines of demarcation.

A certain amount of contemplation, maturity, boldness, and dignity are necessary before we can establish and preserve these personal boundaries. By letting others know what we will tolerate or won’t tolerate, we show them that we respect ourselves. And, when we are honorable, others are more likely to treat us honorably. Thus, let us wrap ourselves in strength and dignity, boldly assertive, clearly marking our moral standards and personal boundaries.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I had this talk with my oldest Granddaughter today in different words. "You teach people how to treat you and you treat people the way you would like to be treated."
