

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

My Shepherd

“The LORD is my shepherd; I have all that I need.” (Psalm 23:1 NLT)

I am the primary caregiver for my dog. I feed her at the appropriate times,  make sure her water bowl is full, take her for walks daily, and groom her regularly. I make sure she is safe. If she runs off without her leash, I will chase after her until I get her back. If another dog is aggressive toward her, I will step in between so that she doesn’t get hurt. I love my dog, and there isn’t much I wouldn’t do for her. However, I don’t give her everything she wants. If I gave her treats every time she begged, she would be unhealthy. If I let her run off-leash through the streets, she might get hit by a car.

The Lord is my caregiver; He provides me with everything I need, but not always what I want. He provides for me. He guides me in the right direction. He protects me against evil. He sustains my soul. He is always by my side. If I wander off, He pursues me. He grooms me to His standards, shearing me of any excess. He makes sacrifices for my sake. When I beg for things that are not good for me, He doesn’t give in. When I run after distractions that are dangerous, He pulls me back. He wants me to stay with Him for the rest of my life.

The Lord is my Shepherd. I know I am loved; thus, I am carefree.

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