

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Searching for Good

“The one who seeks good finds delight; the student of evil becomes evil.” (Proverbs 11:27 MSG)

My mind likes to play this game I call: “What’s wrong with this picture?” For example, if I try on a new outfit, I immediately notice the negatives rather than the positives. Or if I meet a new person, I am more likely to remember annoying traits rather than endearing ones. I can quickly list the worst three restaurants in my city. I would have to think harder to pick out three of the best places to eat.  

This Lent, instead of giving up favorite foods, I’ve resolved to give up negativity. It’s not going so well. (Darn it, I just complained again!) I am trying to intentionally look for the good in every situation. I practice daily. Since I like to make lists, I scan for three positives before my mind slips into its default mode of finding fault. I ask myself: “What is right with this picture?” Every morning and evening, I remind myself of all that God has blessed me with. Before I leave the house, I list three things I’m looking forward to. When I meet new people, I focus on what is admirable. Now that I am searching diligently for good, I find it. I am grateful for every bright discovery.

“Gratitude is the ability to experience life as a gift. It opens us up to wonder, delight, and humility. It makes our hearts generous. It liberates us from the prison of self-preoccupation.” (John Ortberg)

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