

Monday, August 5, 2019

Lighting Up the Darkness

"If only my life could be like it used to be, in the days when God watched over me, when he made his lamp shine on my head, when I walked through the dark in his light.” (Job 29:2-3 GWT)
I was meeting a friend to run early one morning. It was still dark outside, and there were no street lights nearby. Luckily, I had a headlamp, but she didn’t have one. Now, two lights would have been better than one, but sharing my light didn’t diminish it in anyway. I pointed my headlamp down toward our feet. We could only see a few steps ahead. My friend stayed close, matching my pace. That little light illuminated our path just enough to keep us both from tripping and falling in the dark. 
I have felt God’s light shine upon my head. I have experienced the peace of Divine protection, guidance, and presence. I can only see a few steps ahead, but I am always glad to share the light with others. For I have experienced seasons of utter darkness, when God seems to have withdrawn His light from me. During these times of confusion, I have relied on faithful companions to share their lamps of trust. I stayed close to them and followed their steps. Their wisdom and trust have guided me when my own faith was nonexistent. I am glad to carry the light now, grateful for every insight that I get to share. 
“Lead, Kindly Light, amidst the encircling gloom,
Lead Thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home,
Lead Thou me on!
Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene; one step enough for me.” (Hymn by John Henry Newman)

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