

Friday, August 30, 2019

Love Authentically

“Love others well, and don’t hide behind a mask; love authentically.” (Romans 12:9 MSG)

We live in a world full of superficial busyness, incessant diversions, and insatiable aspirations. This environment becomes a breeding ground for inauthentic, delusional people who are incapable of inner transformation. They don't really change; they just switch costumes/masks. 

Emotional neediness can often be confused with love. Relationships based on similar interests, shared history, or feeling validated can be enjoyable. The desire to belong and be accepted is part of human nature. Unfortunately, these cravings can lead us down distorted paths that lead to dead ends. If you are kind to someone because you want him to like you, or because he makes you feel good about yourself or affirms your worthiness as an individual--the cords that connect you are based on emotional neediness and insecurity. Love requires wanting what is beneficial for the other, even when it isn’t profitable for us. For example, if my best friend were considering moving to a far away country, and I knew this move would be beneficial for her growth--love would allow me to encourage what is best for her, even when it would be a loss for me personally.

Self-awareness and self-acceptance are prerequisites to authentic relationships. Contemplation, honesty, wisdom, transparency, consistency, and devotion are necessary steps to inner growth. Those who hide behind masks are unable to like or accept their true selves. Recognize what is genuine. Don’t accept or distribute anything counterfeit. Build on foundations of truth. Love authentically. 

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