

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

How to Defeat Evil

“Never let evil defeat you, but defeat evil with good.” (Romans 12:21 TPT)
I don’t watch news shows on TV anymore. It’s all too depressing. It seems like the world is full of greed, racism, violence, war, pride, divisiveness, oppression, and corruption. The haves ignore the have-nots. The powerful abuse the powerless. The insiders marginalize the outsiders. Lies trump truth.  And the majority seems to turn a blind eye.
“Situations can change; people can change. Be the first to seek to bring good. Do not grow accustomed to evil, but defeat it with good.” (Pope Francis, The Church of Mercy)

The temptation to grow apathetic and accustomed to evil, to throw up our hands and give in, can be strong. We ask ourselves: “What can one person do when the world is so messed up?” 

Trust God. Look for how He is working and join Him. Do good, even if it seems inconsequential. Be kind, even when the world is unkind. Reach out to the marginalized. Speak up for the voiceless. Share with those who have less. Change happens incrementally at first. Do not let evil get the best of you. Fight back. Defeat evil with good. 

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