

Friday, January 24, 2020

Most Inspiring

“For the one who is least important in your eyes is actually the most important one of all.” (Luke 9:48 TPT)
I was watching a documentary about a group of women who were training to run their first half marathon. They were a diverse group--different sizes, different ages, different abilities. Each of them had unique challenges to overcome. They trained together for months before the race, encouraging and supporting one another. Finally, the day of the half marathon arrived. All the women started off together. Within the first hour, the faster runners were way ahead, and the slower runners and walkers were lagging behind. Eventually, each of them crossed the finish line and waited for the rest of their friends to join them. There was a long gap between the first and the last. Finally, the last of the ladies finished. I found myself involuntarily clapping for her in my living room while watching her on TV. I had not felt the urge to applaud any of the others. She was the most inspirational of the bunch. She had overcome the most to finish the race. 

People who come in first are often admired, but those who overcome the most obstacles are even more inspirational. When we admire someone, we look up to them, but we don’t necessarily emulate them. Perhaps their accomplishments seem outside of our reach. However, when we observe a person who is overlooked, who finishes last but never gives up despite adversity--this is inspirational. We are motivated to change by her actions. The one who seems least important can, thus, end up being the most influential! 

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