

Friday, December 11, 2020

Simplify vs. Complicate

“Who could ever wrap their minds around the riches of God, the depth of his wisdom, and the marvel of his perfect knowledge? Who could ever explain the wonder of his decisions or search out the mysterious way he carries out his plans?” (Romans 11:33 TPT)

I was listening to a podcast when I heard the word ‘complicate’ used in an unusual way. A suburban mom was talking about her views on a politically controversial topic and she said: “I realized it was time to complicate my thoughts on this subject.” This caught my attention for several reasons. She was using ‘complicate’ as a verb and as a positive action. I’m always trying to simplify everything. I had never considered the benefit of complicating anything. 

An abridged version of a great book might be appealing to more people, but it can be a disservice to both the author and the reader. Some things are complex. Trying to simplify them is diminishing. Not everything can be reduced into neat, digestible soundbites. Sometimes we need to complicate our thoughts. 

There are subjects that we may never understand fully. However, we don’t have to give up on these topics either. Somewhere between indifferent ignorance and complete comprehension is a good place to be. We may never wrap our minds around many mysteries. The deeper we go, the more complicated things usually are. Accept this. Yet continue to pursue understanding. 

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