

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Hard Transtions

“I am doing something brand new, something unheard of. Even now it sprouts and grows and matures. Don’t you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and open up flowing streams in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19 TPT)

My aloe vera plant had outgrown its pot. It was time for me to transplant parts of it into a new container. I dug up a few baby plants from the base. I got one with a root still attached, but most of them broke off prematurely. I didn’t have much hope for their survival. I put all of them on the counter for a day to harden them off and replanted them in new pots with fresh soil. Now I am watering and waiting to see if they make it through the next few months. I can’t see what is happening under the soil. Are the plants putting out roots? All I can do is watch the leaves for signs of life and health. 

As I nurture my aloe vera shoots, I am reminded that new beginnings are not always exciting and fun. The transition period is often unfamiliar and uncertain. The possibility of loss and untimely fragmentation can be anxiety-provoking. Since internal growth is hard to observe, despondency can set in. It can feel like a long journey through a dark wilderness. But when God transplants us into new circumstances, we can be assured that He provides ways through the wilderness. He will open up flowing streams in the desert. When God initiates something brand new, something unimaginable, we may not be able to perceive all that is happening in the invisible realms, but we can be confident that things are sprouting and growing and maturing. 

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