

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The Wreck of Hypocrisy

“Instead, shape your lives to become like the Holy One who called you.” (1 Peter 1:15 TPT)

The use of religion to prop up injustice is nothing new. History is littered with examples: holy wars, colonization, slavery, segregation, subjugation of indigenous people, profiteering, exploiting natural resources, political power grabs, violence--all these toxic practices are condoned by many professed Christians. These terrorists attempt to hijack faith for personal gain. Unfortunately, the damage is not limited to those who participate in these disruptions. The wreckage of hypocrisy leads to prolonged stagnation for all Christ followers. 

Every time I witness religious insincerity, I feel like I am stuck in a traffic jam on a highway. I can’t move forward. I try to remind myself of Christ’s teachings. I reassure myself that this is NOT what Christianity represents. When I feel stuck, I will get off the main path. Progress remains slow at first. Gradually, resources come my way through friends, reading, listening, writing, etc. I rarely recognize the significance of these access points at first. I am impatient and I want to move forward quickly. Once I am untangled from the mess, I look back and realize the impact of each of these openings. I am grateful for each of these resources. I apologize for any delays I have caused for others. I pray that my lifestyle is shaped by the Christ I profess to follow. 


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