

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Avalanche of Trouble

“When I am overwhelmed, You alone know the way I should turn.” (Psalm 143:3 NLT)

When was the last time you felt overwhelmed? Did you feel like you were buried in an avalanche of trouble? We all have different coping mechanisms when our life spins out of control. Some of us try to numb the pain with alcohol or drugs; others try to distract themselves with shopping, gambling, promiscuity, or other risky behavior. These choices merely pile on more misery.

When we are overwhelmed by an avalanche of adversity, our first instinct is to try to dig ourselves out.  Soon we realize that we are in over our heads.  At this point, it is tempting to succumb to despondency and give up. Yet, this can also be our turning point, for powerlessness allows us to surrender to God.

Lord, I am overwhelmed; I have no energy left; I don’t know what to do. Please take over. Show me what to do and grant me the strength and wisdom to do it.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this prayer. I am writing it down to keep it close by. I could have used this prayer this week that is for sure. I am sure He heard my pleas for help though. I really like the simplicity of this and getting to the point of asking for help.
