

Friday, July 31, 2015

Narrow Viewpoints

“Jesus said, “You’re tied down to the mundane; I’m in touch with what is beyond your horizons. You live in terms of what you see and touch. I’m living on other terms. I told you that you were missing God in all this. You’re at a dead end. (John 8:23-24 MSG)

I have driven down country roads for miles, expecting that they will eventually connect to a main road, only to find myself at dead ends staring at a cattle fence. Similarly, when I attempt to live on my own terms--outside of God’s influence and grace, I am merely driving towards a dead end--no matter how promising or scenic the road may seem.
“My judgment would be true because I wouldn’t make it out of the narrowness of my experience but in the largeness of the One who sent me, the Father.” (John 8:14-18 MSG)

My thoughts, writing, and actions are mostly based on my narrow experiences. Occasionally, my viewpoint may be broadened through something I read or hear. Yet, it is always limited to a human perspective. I am tied down by the mundane, the earthly, the day-to-day problems. I can sense very little beyond my limited field of experience. I base my life on the tangible--on what I can grasp and understand. I fail to account for God, because He is immeasurable and incomprehensible. I drive down paths that seem good to me, away from God’s influence. No wonder I keep hitting dead ends!

Lord, help me to see things from Your divine perspective, operate from Your largeness, and live on Your terms.

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