

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Spiritual Fitness Coach

“Don’t grieve God. Don’t break his heart. His Holy Spirit, moving and breathing in you, is the most intimate part of your life, making you fit for himself. Don’t take such a gift for granted.” (Ephesians 4:30 MSG)

I try to run daily. I wish I had a coach--a friend who would run beside me--encouraging me, supporting me, motivating me to run a bit harder, reminding me to stretch, to hydrate, and to stay free of injuries.

I like to think of the Holy Spirit as my Spiritual Fitness Coach--a constant friend--always helpful, inspiring, and spurring me closer to the goal. A coach who would motivate me to be disciplined and train my spirit daily. The Holy Spirit’s goal is to make me fit for God’s purposes. He moves and breathes with me, instructing my spirit every moment. I don’t want to disappoint my coach, so I try to show up daily and give Him my all. Anything less would be disrespectful. I have accepted my coach’s goal as my own. I trust Him. I am grateful for His constancy. I don’t ever want to take the Holy Spirit for granted.

1 comment:

  1. I believe it is our duty as children of God to respect Him enough to not abuse the body He has put us in. That is why we do have the inner guidance of our Holy Spirit to nudge us be it through inner chatter we mistaken sometimes as Ego or Guilty Conscience.

    Like you, I also wish I had a physical coach to encourage me. Since I don't have that, I listened to the Whispers and started my Facebook Page, as you know, MAD Mile 4 Health, to be my virtual coaches through commitment of others as well as accountability.

    I may not be there physically, but I am always there for you to remind you all of us have a kindness to do to respect the body God has given us.
