

Friday, November 11, 2016

Assigned Tasks

“Meanwhile, we'll stick to our assigned tasks of prayer and speaking God's Word.” (Acts 6:4 MSG)
I make lists of things I need to do. While some of the things get done quickly, other tasks remain on the list for a long, long time. I find that I put off doing chores that I find difficult or time-consuming. Instead, I spend my time on projects that give me immediate gratification or feedback. I want to dedicate more focused energy toward prayer and allowing God to express Himself through me.
Prayer is the process of communicating and connecting with the Divine. The gospels frequently mention how Jesus took time away from the crowds to pray. Most of us are reluctant to dedicate time and space to solitude and silence. It feels onerous. There is no immediate feedback. It seems like a waste of energy. However, prayer is the crucible where our spirit melts and amalgamates with the Spirit of God. Without it, we are disconnected,  dysfunctional, and powerless.

When we devote time to regular communication with God, He expresses Himself through us. He uses our lives to connect with others--to show love, to serve, to speak, to comfort, to be empathetic, to grieve, to encourage, to instruct, to caution, to provoke thought, to give clarity, to heal,  to praise, to reveal joy, and to  exhibit gratitude. Self-expression takes a backseat as we realize that what we have to say pales in comparison to what God wants to express through us.

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