

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Truth vs. Popularity

“Your task is to be true, not popular.” (Luke 6:26 MSG)
Would you rather be liked or respected by others?
I think most of us would want respect over popularity, but our behavior indicates otherwise. We seek to please and gain approval. We want to be seen as enjoyable company. We try our best not to be disappointing to our loved ones. We imagine that our actions will garner favor with others and eventually lead to respect. Unfortunately, this is not always how it works.
Truth requires contemplation--an interior journey towards self-awareness. Popularity, on the other hand, is always an external campaign. When we seek to be true to ourselves, we honor ourselves. A commitment to personal integrity is essential to self-respect. This immediately acts as a repellant to many kinds of people--those who are frivolous, shallow, fake, image-conscious, egotistic, manipulative, condescending, etc., are uncomfortable around truth. The upside to this is that it clears up space for those who are authentic and respectful to approach. Thus, if you really would rather be respected than liked, seek self-awareness, be authentic, and pursue truth.

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