

Friday, November 4, 2016

Unraveling Safely

“Come apart into a desert place, and rest a little. ” (Mark 6:31 DV)
What do you do when you feel as though your life is falling apart?
Most of us just try to power through. We attempt to push forward because: THIS IS NOT A GOOD TIME! (As if there is ever a convenient time to fall apart.) We don’t want to disappoint those who are counting on us. I have fallen apart several times in my life. It always feels scary, embarrassing, and irresponsible. I so badly want to keep it together, especially in front of certain people.
If you are driving down a highway, and your wheels are about to come off--it is imperative that you pull over to the side, away from traffic. Then call for help. We all need secure shoulders in times of  vulnerability--out of the way spaces where it feels safe to be out of commission for a while. It also helps to have at least one friend who will come to our aid. It is not this person’s job to put us back together again--but he/she can keep us company and redirect traffic away from us.
When our lives come undone, we have to take some time and space to sort things out. We need to be authentic and transparent. It helps to be in a quiet place away from the confusion and criticism of the masses. However, we don’t have to handle everything on our own. We can reach out for help.  We know that there is One who loves and accepts us unconditionally. And He finds ways to channel His Spirit through certain people that He places in our lives.
I pray that we may all have safe people and safe spaces in times of vulnerability.

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