

Monday, November 7, 2016

Not My Path

“The Holy Spirit blocked that route.” (Acts 16:6 MSG)
When I am knitting, I don’t always pay attention to my stitches. Sometimes I lose count and mess up. I hate having to take apart hours of work, but the alternative is to continue on as is and end up with a misshapen product. So, I have to unravel my work to the point where I made my mistake and redo my stitches.
For a while now, I’ve been asking God to clearly direct my paths, but I don’t think this is happening yet. All I have noticed is a slight tug when I’m about to take a turn that is not meant for me to take. I used to go along with all sorts of stuff that didn't feel 'true to myself'. In the last few years, there have been several instances where I’ve felt: this is not my path, not right now.  I don’t always listen to these instincts though. I keep going along until I’m forced to face the fact that I’m on the wrong path. Then I have to turn, and go back to the point where I veered off course, and get back on track again.

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