

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Full Parking Lot

“What you are doing is not good. You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out.” (Exodus 18:17-18 NIV)

I have overcommitted myself once again. Over the last few months, I’ve attempted to add a few new things to my schedule. My margins have gotten thinner; it happened so gradually that I didn’t notice it until recently. Now I have too many things on my plate, and I feel overwhelmed. It’s like going to an all-you-can-eat buffet. Everything looks good, and you end up with more than you can stomach.

The other day, I was trying to find a parking space in one of the downtown garages. The first one I attempted to enter had a sign that said “LOT FULL”.
I thought to myself: I need one of those signs for my life!  Technically, that parking lot could hold a lot more cars if every inch of space were utilized--but then the cars would be boxed-in. Drivers wouldn’t be able to open their doors, back up, or exit.

Similarly, my life needs empty spaces to function properly. I need to acknowledge when I am FULL--physically, emotionally, and relationally.  I’m not doing myself or anyone else much good when I overextend myself. In fact, I am probably doing more harm by boxing in important commitments I have already made. Only I can establish the boundaries that I need. I have to be courageous enough to say no to some opportunities, to disappoint some people, and to accept that I can’t help everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you read and re-read this. I hope you truly will believe it is okay to say no so as to not wear yourself too thin because the people you wear yourself thin for won't appreciate you less if you do say no and take time to make your own life free for yourself. It will only make you better at what you do commit to because you won't be feeling stress from all that is on your plate.

    Spoken from lessons I have learned in life. Being a people pleaser only serves others and robs you of the life you could have been having.
